Showing posts with label Karachi Traffic Police. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Karachi Traffic Police. Show all posts

Saturday, February 4, 2023


    Woman Slaps senior cop on Karachi streets went viral 

A video went viral on social media in which a woman browls with a police officer when he tries to stop her car .she came out of the car and start argument with the police officers. In this video we can clearly seen how she tries to push him back but the officer asked the driver to stop and come out of the car. During this whole chaos the woman slapped the officer and and push him back and try to snatch his official stick  from him. However the officer till tried to stop the car. This video set the social media on fire.People are so furious and asked the higher official to take action against this act.According to the Karachi Police  a application is filed against  that woman and his brother and his brother in Civil Line of South Karachi.

The police officer whom the women was misbehaving  is a Deputy Superintend of Traffic Police DSP Ishtayaq Hussian. 
During his record he said" The car was not stopping at the signal and and he asked the driver to stop because other cars are also stopped at the red signal.First i asked them to stop but they didn't and than i use my stick to stop them the driver stopped but the woman came out and start argument".
According to him  the women said" You are our servant, My brother is Commander in Navy and he replied "I am the servant of those who follow the law and i only stopped you because you didn't follow the law".He also added that her husband was not stopping the car and tries to hit them. 
In the police station the report against that woman and her husband  was delayed for 2-3 hours and they were hesitating to file a report against them.But at the end the depute was resolved and the woman asked an aplogy from the police officer and he forgive her

The issue is resolved but it raises many question, why our elites and common people think its their insult to follow the rules and law? why they think its their right to do whatever they want to do? This type of incident are showing the impatient attitude of the society.We compare ourselves with the developed nation why we are not developing like them,why we are stepping behind them the one of the important and golden secret of there success is the are loyal to their nation and the respect and follow the rules and laws.Irrespective of  rank and socio economic states everyone follow the law and  no one is superior in front of  state.But in Pakistan the situation is like to put the cart before the horse. The misusing of power and money is very common. This incident is a tight slap on the face of  our society. where everyone is intoxication of power.